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Tips to Celebrate World Earth Day with Kids

World Earth Day is an event that is celebrated annually, all over the world on 22nd April with an aim to spread awareness amongst people about safety of the environment and to demonstrate environmental protection measures. World Earth Day is a theme based event and each year, there is a new theme associated with the celebration of this day. The theme for the year 2014 is ‘Green Cities’.

This day was first observed in the year 1970 to celebrate as an annual event to get national support so as to take better care of the environmental safety concerns by resolving the issues. Since then, almost 192 countries across the world began to celebrate World Earth Day annually. A peace activist namely John McConnell took active part in starting this day in order to seek the attention of the people towards environmental safety concerns. He chose the date 21st March in 1970 to be celebrated in the spring equinox. While the Senator of United States Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson had chosen to celebrate the event on 22nd April in the year 1970. Thus, this event is celebrated on both the aforesaid dates with the prime objective to increase awareness among the general public, specifically amongst the youth population so as to get complete support for the environmental safety campaign.

Each year on April 22nd, people across the world celebrate the event with great zeal and enthusiasm in order to save the natural assets on the earth. Besides this, several steps have been taken by the governments of many countries and contributed their bit by implementing various legal rules for the safety of the earth. Furthermore, discussions in the forms of seminars, debates etc. are conducted on topics like greenhouse effect, global warming and ozone layer depletion and the repercussions they have on the planet earth.

Tips to celebrate World Earth Day:

  • Encourage your child to sow a sapling and sprinkle water on it daily.
  • Buy puzzles depicting scenes of the Earth from space, natural landscapes and animals and allow your child to learn about World Earth Day. 
  • Help your child to search for relevant pictures related to environment in old newspapers, magazines etc. and make a collage using the same.
  • Play online games and video games focusing on environmental theme with your child to teach about World Earth Day.
  • Teach her about the ‘Go Green’ concept for a sustainable eco-friendly environment.
  • Tell your children about the ‘Earth Hour’ which is observed annually by turning off the electricity for an hour so as to conserve it for future use. 
  • Motivate your child to say no to plastic bags and rather use paper bags.
  • Tell her to wear green, blue and brown coloured clothes to reflect the environmental colours.

So, celebrate the World Earth Day and inspire people around you to make a better earth environment. 



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