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World Animal Day


Every year 4th October is observed as the World Animal Day. This day was first observed in Florence, Italy in 1931 at a convention of ecologists. World Animal Day is celebrated across all parts of the world to throw light upon the plight of endangered species. This day was primarily selected as it is the feast day of Francis of Assisi who was an ardent nature lover, patron saint of animals and environment.

           World Animal Day was set up with the following missions:

  • To celebrate the existence of animal life in all forms.
  • To celebrate the bond that human beings share with animals.
  • To acknowledge the different roles played by animals in our lives.
  • To show gratitude to animals for the ways in which they enhance our lives.

According to a research, it has been observed that there are plenty of benefits to take care of animals. World Animal Day is celebrated across all parts of the world. However, the celebration patterns differ in different countries. While talking about celebration patterns, in India, unlike yesteryears, many schools educate students about the role of animals in our lives. To generate a sense of responsibility, children are taught how to look after the animals whether at home or anywhere else. Moreover, schools find it an effective way to inculcate the importance of animals in our lives. Owing to this reason, a number of schools have indulged in celebrating this day by conducting activities like making drawing of their favourite animals, holding discussions about extinction of animals etc.

World Animals Day

Besides this, there are plenty of organisations that work for the welfare of animals. One of the renowned organisations that operates in India is PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). A non-profit organisation, PETA has been entirely dedicated towards the service of animals and to improve their plight. The organisation aims to stop cruelty towards animals and discourage conducting any type of testing on animals.

How to celebrate World Animal Day at home?

  • Tell your children that various animals have become extinct now. Therefore, we need to save the existing animals.
  • Generate awareness to educate people about the existence of beautiful creatures and provide information on how to look after the animals and respect them.
  • Take this day as an opportunity to adopt a stray animal to do your bit. For this, you can consult an animal foster home.
  • Take a pledge with your family and friends to opt for vegetarian food and avoid consuming non-vegetarian food.
  • Inculcate the habit of feeding the animals which are deprived of food.
  • Together with your children, visit a nearby animal shelter home and donate blankets, food, feeding bowls etc.
  • Encourage small children to draw the image(s) of their favourite animal(s) and preserve it.

So, use the above mentioned tips to make this day special for the entire animals kingdom.




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