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Faith Academy Prasad Nagar Nursery Class Registration Open

FAITH ACADEMY John L. Dorsey Road, Prasad Nagar, New Delhi – 110005 Eligibility for admission to pre-school (Nursery): Children born between 01/04/2009 to 31/03/2010 may apply.   Registration Forms for Admission to Pre-school (Nursery) class for the academic year 2015-16will be available from 1st to 15th of January, 2013 only between 09:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.

Registration Open for Pre-Primary to XII class in Punjabi Bagh

Admission procedure for (Pre-school to XII) N.C. Jindal Public School Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-26 For registration, every candidate will be required to fill up a Registration Form attached with this prospectus and the same will be submitted to the school’s office. The class/classes for which registration opens are notified every year. The admission

DAV Public School Pre-school Registration

Registration to Pre-School DAV Public School, Sreshtha Vihar Delhi Admission details I. Total seats available in class Pre-school 300 a). General Category 165 b). Seats for Economically Weaker Section 75 c). Management Category 60 II. Eligibility Criteria 3+ as on 31st March 2013 III. Date of online Registration at school website - 01/01/2013 to 15/01/2013 IV. Submission of confirmation at school reception from 03/01/2013 to 15/01/2013 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon (on