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Shemrock soon to be on Twitter Also!!

Shemrock soon to be on Twitter Also!!

Good news for the parents of Shemrockites! Shemrock is soon going to integrate Twitter Feeds on the Shemblog. This means that parents can now subscribe to the Twitter feeds or “Tweets” as they are commonly known in the parlance of the younger generation. These feeds can be viewed on your cell phones/mobile phones also. Whatever information that will be posted on the Shemrock blog, can be instantly viewed via a Twitter Feed on your cell.

Consider this scenario- You are in South Delhi and you get the Twitter Feed on a traffic signal that a school in South Delhi has started the admission process. You just need to drop in the school on your way to work, pick up the Admission Forms and continue your journey onwards. Or whilst in office, your cell-phone tweets you the start of the Registration Process in a school nearby. Now, owing to the Twitter Feed you have subscribed to, you could just skip for a few hours from office to pick up a Registration Form from the school thus, saving precious time. That’s the power of technology – Information on the go!!



One thought on “Shemrock soon to be on Twitter Also!!

  1. Great work once again. I enjoy checking out your website for the reason that you often post great posts. Fabulous post..I plan to bookmark this website. I am going to subscribe to the websites feed as well. Does anyone currently have new droid x?? It is sooo good!!

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