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Schools Minting Money Through Prospectuses

It seems that there is no escaping the prospectus market when it comes to school admissions. Consider the following figures:
o In the period of 2000 to 2008 schools in the capital and the NCR made nearly 5,000 crore from selling prospectuses. (Source: ASSOCHAM study)
o Parents spend a minimum of 5,000 to buy a prospectus for their single child
o The cost of prospectus for Nursery and KG (pre-primary) classes is costlier than prospectuses of reputed management, engineering and chartered accountancy institutions.

Expensive prospectuses are taking away the innoncence of preschooling.
Expensive prospectuses are taking away the innocence of preschooling.

Parents cannot escape this expense as buying a prospectus is a part of the admission procedure. Prospectus contains important details about the admission procedure and attached admission forms that can’t be avoided. Many parents have to buy prospectuses from various schools to ensure their child gets admission in at least one of the applied schools. Besides this, some schools do not even provide a receipt for the sale of prospectuses. In fact, the sale of prospectuses for nursery/pre-primary classes has seen a 300% surge and schools in Delhi/NCR region have been minting money at the cost of parents’ hard-earned money.



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