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Sand and Sun, Summer is so much Fun!

A Few Tips to Save Your Children from the intense Heat

Temperatures have risen to unimaginable heights these days. And while you and your family think of ways to keep yourself and your surroundings cool, you also need to learn ways of keeping yourself and your kids safe from the Blazing Summer Heat! So, here we are, with a few tips and suggestions that can help you and your child Beat the Heat with a Nice Cool Treat!

Wear Cotton Clothes:
Lightweight, light-coloured
and preferably cotton clothes with a loose fit help us feel at ease at all times & allow the sweat to evaporate , thereby, cooling our bodies instantly. Also, wearing full sleeves during summers help avoid sun-tan. So, it becomes almost necessary to dress our young ones in the clothing considered most appropriate as per the season.


Sunglasses, Hats & Scarves:
Wearing sunglasses , when outdoors, save our delicate eyes from the harsh sunrays. Sunglasses with reflectors that block 90 to 100 percent of UV rays are a boon for the ones facing the wrath of the Sun. Brimmed hats, at least 3-4 inches broad, and soft, elegant scarves are an addition to any wardrobe in summers. All these components work together for children too to provide the much needed protection from the extreme heat of the Sun.


is an essential element in the cosmetics section of any person’s wardrobe as it shields them from the powerful sunrays. Therefore, it is important to apply sunscreen to all the uncovered areas of the body, at least half an hour before stepping outdoors. Also, while it is important to apply sunscreen before moving out of the house, it is equally important to reapply it after every 3-4 hours during the day to keep the effect going. For this, a sunscreen should be an important part of the handbag. Application of sunscreen is also preferred for young children as it is a strong barrier from the flare of the unbeatable Sun.


Drink Fluids:
Summers are a time when the body needs liquid intake more than anything else. It is the time when the human body loses plenty of water due to increased sweating and it is very important to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.  Children, during the hot season, are at the biggest risk of getting a heat stroke. To protect them from the unbearable heat wave, we need to increase the intake of liquids like fresh fruit juice, milk shakes, coconut water, buttermilk, lemon juice, glucose, etc., all day long as they help balance the sugar & salt levels in the body and also give energy. We must also refrain them from beverages like tea, coffee and aerated and cold drinks because they cause more dehydration due to the caffeine and carbonate content in them.



With times changing, our eating habits have also taken a turn. Fast food has become an integral part of our routine.

Children love to eat variety of junk food like pasta, burgers, pizzas at all times any day. However, as parents, it is important to take care of the taste buds as well as the health of your little darlings. For this, you can allow them to munch on these foods but by serving them in a healthier yet tastier manner. Also, remember that it is very essential to include lots of fresh vegetables like cucumber, tomato & beetroot and summer fruits like Watermelon, Muskmelon, Chikoo, Kiwi, Litchi, etc. A smarter way to have your child eat these fruits happily is to serve them in the form of custard, or mix them with fresh cream or ice-cream which will make them love eating fruits.

Fruits and vegetables

Indoors rather than Outdoors:
Stepping out in the sun during peak hours is just not the right thing to do during summers. Therefore, do not let your children out in the summers between 12 PM to 4 PM as heat is at its maximum during these hours. For helping them pass their time during these hours, you can tickle their curious little minds with fun activities like colouring, crafting, puzzle solving, etc.

I hope that with these simple tips, you can save your children from the hot burning Sun. Remember, Sun is never your enemy if you take proper care of yourself and your sweet little angels!



Meenal Arora
Meenal Arora
Mrs. Meenal Arora is the Executive Director of SHEMROCK Preschools & Founder Director of SHEMFORD Futuristic Schools – one of India’s leading education groups, which manages over 425 Senior Schools & Preschools across India and Abroad. As Head of the school curricular division, Mrs. Arora’s responsibilities extend to designing, innovating and developing educational systems. An enthusiastic writer as well, she has been consistently providing articles on parenting and many more topics related to children, which are regularly published in some of the leading newspapers and monthly magazines like Responsible Parenting, Parent’s India, Curriculum, Child, Grehlakshmi, Grehshobha, Bindiya etc. She is also on the advisory panel of Parent’s India Magazine - one of the country’s leading magazine.