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New Sugary Tamiflu medicine for small kids!!

Kids as usual don’t like medicines and it is a well known fact. So now, the makers of TamiFlu – the medicine endorsed for Swine Flu treatment has been sweetened according to the tastes of the kids. To treat the H1N1 virus, the only known effective medicine is Tamiflu and to administer the drug to the kids is one uphill tasks for parents due to its taste. Modifying the medicine and diluting it with Cherry Syrup and artificial sweeteners is a method that has now been adopted by the West. 

But a word of caution though, before you start mixing just any syrup in the medicine. Not just any cherry syrup can be mixed in the medicine. The prescribing information for Tamiflu lists cherry syrup made by Humco Holding Group as one of the approved liquids the mix with the medicine. So while it is safe to use the Tamiflu in its original format, mixing with any other liquid is best taken on the advice of a doctor.



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