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National Parents’ Day, Tips to celebrate Parents’ Day

The first love and teachers of every child is her parents. Parents face several hardships, make sacrifices throughout their lives and strive to bring the best of everything, just to bring a smile on their children’s face. A day entirely dedicated to honour the parents for their endless love, affection and care that they shower on their children, Parents’ Day is celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday of July in several countries across the world. This day was officially declared as Parents’ Day in the year 1994 when the former US President, Bill Clinton signed a law which states that Parents’ Day is for “recognizing, uplifting and supporting the role of parents in the rearing of children”. An important theme associated with the celebration of Parents’ Day is to strengthen the idea of the traditional, two-parent family.    This year, Parents’ Day will be celebrated on 27th July across the world.

parents not only special but extra-special on this Parents’ Day

Parents’ Day is not merely restricted to celebrate parenthood but is beyond that. It is an occasion for the society to acknowledge the extremely tough, critically important and challenging task that every parent does each day i.e. to raise the next generation of citizens.

This day gives a wonderful opportunity for the children to spend quality time and bond with their parents. Parents’ Day is that time of the year when children express their heartfelt feelings and gratitude to their parents and thank them for all that they have done for them. It’s always the parents who pamper their children, but Parents’ Day is one of those rarest days when children get the opportunity to showcase their love, care and affection to their parents.

happy parents day for girls

Even though the concept of celebrating Parents’ Day is not old, this day is celebrated across the world with great zeal and enthusiasm. Usually, people indulge in parties, family outings, picnics etc. to celebrate the occasion of Parents’ Day.  Children present gifts to their parents or treat them with dinner at their favourite restaurant, while recollecting the fond old and happy memories of their childhood.

Tips to celebrate Parents’ Day:

Use these tips to make your parents not only special but extra-special on this Parents’ Day:

  • Wake up early in the morning to prepare tea and breakfast of your parents’ choice.
  • Create a unique poem or a rhyme entirely dedicated to your parents.
  • Make a promise to your parents like ‘I will help mom and dad’ ‘I will finish my homework on time’ ‘I will not play for the long hours’ etc. and take a pledge to abide by it.
  • Prepare a short speech and dedicate words of praise to your parents.
  • Make a family puzzle or create a family scrapbook using old pictures.
  • Take your parents for an outing to a place of their choice and spend some leisurely time with them.
  • Present a diary to put across your heartfelt feelings to your parents.
  • Organise a contest by the name ‘Parent of the Year Competition’ in your locality and play several games.

Whatever you do this parents’ day, just make sure it spells out how much you appreciate what your parents do for you!



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