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Involve your child in sports activities


Physical fitness in growing children, which is attained through sports activities, is one of the most important keys to a healthy body and mind. Regular involvement of children in sports activities contributes to the overall physical, cognitive, psychological wellbeing etc.

Games & sports activities infuse in children a spirit of competition, honesty, co-operation and inner strength to accept defeat as well as victory. Indulging children in sports leads to their physical development, it helps them build muscle and bones; it reduces the likelihood of obesity and reduces symptoms of stress & depression. Moreover, children who are actively involved in sports get better grades as they are better able to manage time and they think strategically & make quick decisions.

As per a study in Vanves, France, researchers found that, when academic time was reduced and physical education increased to one third of the weekly timetable, the academic performance, discipline, enthusiasm, fitness and health of the students in the experimental group were superior to the children on a more traditional schedule. Researchers say, reasonable time spent in physical activity does not hinder academic performance.

Additionally, children engaged in sports activities develop leadership and team building skills; they experience supportive relationships with children of other backgrounds & cultures and form relationships with peers.

However, in today’s technology-oriented world, children are more attracted towards playing computer games during their leisure time, which reduces their physical movement and increases the health related problems. Therefore, it is important for parents to involve their children in productive sports activities. Here are some useful tips that will help you to engage your child into healthy physical activities.

  • Demonstrate a physically active lifestyle – Make exercise as a part of routine for every member of your family and encourage everyone at home to indulge in physical activities such as walking, jogging etc. Also, encourage them to make judicious use of leisure time at home by getting involved in fruitful recreational activities like playing badminton, going for cycling etc.

  • Watch sports channel on television – Together with your child, watch sports channel in the evening to generate enthusiasm in her. Explain her the benefits of engaging into sports activities & tell her about each sport, how it is played etc. Talk with heraboutwhat she likes and dislikes about each sport.

  • Allow your child to choose a sport of her interest – Expose your child to a variety of sports & encourage her to choose the sports that she wants to involve in on a regular basis. For instance, ask her whether she likes badminton or table-tennis; basketball or volleyball, swimming or cycling etc. This will further motivate her to take more interest in working for physical fitness, as she will be involved in activity of her choice. Further, support your child’s decisions because your positive attitude to your child’s interest in sport will make her want to take it further.

  • Get involved in your child’s favourite sports activity –Accompany your child and join her in sports activities such as playing badminton or basketball in the park, going for relay race etc. Remember, your support will encourage your child to exercise, play and indulge in healthy physical activities.

  • Organise sports activities with your child’s friends – Encourage your child to go for bicycle rides along with her friends and play games such as hula-hoop, hide & seek, Frisbee, etc. Also, conduct racing competitions for them such as sack race, relay race etc. and offer attractive prizes to the winners.

  • Provide positive feedback – Support your child whether she wins or lose. Cheer for her and boost your child’s self-esteem and help her master new skills with plenty of praise. Also, encourage your child with positive words like ‘I noticed how you really tried to make that goal just like your coach suggested’, ‘that was a great pass to your friend’, ‘I am proud of you’ etc.

  • Limit your child’s unproductive activities – Limit your child from watching TV & playing computer games for a long time. Explain her that watching television and computer for a long time will affect her eye sight, which in turn will have an adverse impact on her academic performance. Encourage her to play outdoors with other children of her age.

  • Enroll your child into sports club –Enroll your child in physical development classes to learn exercise for fitness, such as aerobics & yoga and self-defensive techniques such as Karate, Taekwondo, Judo etc. Through such classes, your child will be able to enhance her concentration power and develop her peace of mind. Also, motivate your child to continue going to such classes daily so that she stays fit and healthy.

  • Arrange fun family trips – Arrange excursions, picnics and camping trips for your family. Make sure that you indulge everyone in fun & interesting activities that can contribute to the overall health of your family members. Conduct games like ‘tug-of-war’, spoon race, etc. and ensure that everyone participates.

  • Do not ask her to play when she is tired – If your child indulges in physical activities all through the day, she may get exhausted and may not feel like pursuing outdoor activities in the future. So, ensure that your child gets enough time to sit back and relax at the end of the day. Allow her to cool down once she returns home after playing. This will further ensure that she will not feel tired after indulging in physical activities.

  • Fix sleep schedule for her – Getting uninterrupted and optimum amount of sound sleep in the night is essential for your child’s physical and psychological wellbeing. So, develop good sleeping habits in your child that enables her to stay active all through the day and also contributes to her overall health. Make sure that your child sleeps at the same time every day.

Lastly, keep in mind that if your child is physically active, she will maintain a healthy weight as well as develop and maintain strong bones & muscles. So, ensure that your child stays active all through the day and gets sound sleep in the night. Also, encourage her to exercise right from early childhood so that she grows into a healthy individual. By doing so, your child will be able to lead an active lifestyle, which in turn will motivate her to grow into healthy, fit and smart individual. Also, reinforce your love for your child, by showing that you appreciate her efforts and her zeal to learn new things. With your positive reinforcement, acknowledgement, appreciation and motivation, your child will be able to involve in healthy physical activities.



Meenal Arora
Meenal Arora
Mrs. Meenal Arora is the Executive Director of SHEMROCK Preschools & Founder Director of SHEMFORD Futuristic Schools – one of India’s leading education groups, which manages over 425 Senior Schools & Preschools across India and Abroad. As Head of the school curricular division, Mrs. Arora’s responsibilities extend to designing, innovating and developing educational systems. An enthusiastic writer as well, she has been consistently providing articles on parenting and many more topics related to children, which are regularly published in some of the leading newspapers and monthly magazines like Responsible Parenting, Parent’s India, Curriculum, Child, Grehlakshmi, Grehshobha, Bindiya etc. She is also on the advisory panel of Parent’s India Magazine - one of the country’s leading magazine.

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