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Happy Indian Republic Day– 26 January 1950


Republic Day is one of the three national holidays in India. The day holds significance because on 26th January, 1950 our constitution came into force and India was declared a republic state. The day is celebrated with great pomp and show, as a grand parade is held in New Delhi. Prior to the commencement of parade, the Prime Minister lays a floral wreath at the Amar Jawaan Jyoti, a memorial to unknown soldiers at the India Gate.

There are also spectacular displays from the different states of the country, depicting their cultures, lifestyles and latest developments. These displays certainly bring to light the culture richness and diversity in India. National Bravery Awards are also given to children for their brave deeds.

The celebrations also include special performances by students and folk dances by tribal people from different states. The day witnesses march past of the regiments of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force and also some unbelievable and breathe taking stunts by these hilarious soldiers.

The day surely gives a rise to the patriotic sentiments of the people and spread an air of joy and unity among masses.



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