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Hand Washing Day-15 Oct

Global Hand Washing Day is dedicated to imbibe the importance of washing hands properly and maintaining proper hygiene. Global Hand Washing day is celebrated on 15th October every year. This day was first observed on 15th October, 2008 which was assigned by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as the International Year of Sanitation.  It is a reminder to people across the globe that clean hands can save a lot of lives.

Also, Hand Washing Day indirectly promotes the famous proverb ‘Health is Wealth’. Most of the actions that we perform during the day involve hand movements. Hence, it is important to spread awareness about washing hands before preparing food, after using the toilet, touching dustbins etc.

Many schools take this day as an opportunity to create awareness and teach them the importance of washing hands properly.

Moreover, this day lays emphasis on the fact that hand washing with soap is one of the most effective and pocket-friendly way of keeping your hands clean and free from germs. Furthermore, this reduces the risk of occurrence of diarrhoeal disease. Even though it is a basic and simple activity to do, still people do not realize its importance.

How to celebrate Hand Washing Day at home?

  • Teach your children the importance of proper hand washing.
  • Demonstrate the proper way of washing hands using soap to your children.
  • Together with your children spread awareness amongst the general masses.
  • Encourage your children to make posters and banners using the World Hand Washing Day logo.

So, make use of these tips and spread the message of importance of proper hand washing.



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