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Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations on 2nd October

Gandhi Jayanti celebrates the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, popularly known as the Father of the Nation. Born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbandar in Gujarat, Gandhi ji is known for his invaluable contribution towards India’s freedom struggle. His principles of truth, non-violence and honesty are remembered till date. Mahatma Gandhi is best known as the matchless political leader who evolved the new technique of “Satyagraha”. His fight against untouchability and the notions of superiority and inferiority by birth are also fairly well known. For India, his greatest service was, perhaps, the emancipation of Indian women.

Gandhi ji was the person behind the Satyagraha Ashram which became a platform for introducing long-needed social reforms such as ‘Harijan’ welfare, small-scale industries, self-reliance and rehabilitation of lepers. His fight to give equal rights to each and every person of the society irrespective of which strata they belonged made him immortal. Gandhi ji portrayed a multi-faceted moral and spiritual messiah. It is his philosophies and morals of life, which will keep him alive in our minds forever. 2nd October is celebrated every year as Gandhi Jayanti Day as a tribute to the Father of the Nation.



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