A child’s health forms the top most priority for every parent. Parents often worry about their child’s nutrient intake. You aim at providing your child with a healthy and balanced diet, but, it is essential to know the vital nutrients which must be present in your child’s everyday diet.
Given below are the 10 essential nutrients that must form a part of your child’s everyday diet:
- Calcium
Calcium builds strong bones and teeth, promotes healthy nerve and muscle function and helps the body convert food into energy.
Sources: Milk, yogurt, cheese, egg yolks, broccoli, spinach, etc.
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps form and repair red blood cells, bones, and tissues. It helps keep your child’s gums healthy, strengthens blood vessels and boosts the immune system.
Sources: Citrus fruits such as grapes, orange and vegetables like tomato and sweet red pepper, etc.
- Vitamin D
It helps their body absorb minerals like calcium and builds strong teeth and bones. It is essential for reaching their growth potential and peak bone mass.
Sources: Eggs, fish like tuna and cereals, etc.
- Vitamin A
Vitamin A plays an important role in vision and bone growth. It helps protect the body from infections, promotes the health and growth of the cells and tissues in the body, including the hair, nails and skin.
Sources: Carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.
- Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the finest source of energy in the body. They help the body to use fat and proteins in repairing the worn out tissues.
Sources: Breads, pasta, potatoes and rice, etc.
- Fatty Acids
Essential Fatty Acids help build cells, regulate the nervous system, build immunity, and help their body absorb other nutrients. It is necessary for their healthy brain function and vision.
Sources: Nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, fishes like salmon and tuna, etc.
- Iron
Iron is important for making hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying red pigment in blood and myoglobin, a pigment that stores oxygen in muscles.
Sources: Red meats, whole grains, beans, and nuts, etc.
- Fiber
Fiber helps in the smooth functioning of your child’s bowel movements.
Sources: Whole-grain cereals, chickpeas, lentils, seeds, kidney beans and nuts, etc.
- Magnesium
Magnesium keeps the bones strong and the heart rhythm steady. It supports your child’s immune system and helps maintain muscle and nerve function.
Sources: Nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables, whole grain bread, etc.
- Potassium
It works with sodium to control the body’s water balance, which helps maintain blood pressure. It also assists with muscle function and heart rhythm.
Sources: Fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, cereals, etc.