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5 Quick Tips to Identify Talents in your Child

All our children possess something special and unique. As parents, you need to identify your child’s talents to cultivate their interests and hone their abilities. Some of our children’s talents can be easily spotted, while some may need to be observed and developed, over time.


Helping your child tap into their potential and honing their talents is one of the greatest ways to show your support for your child. It helps her connect to herself and elevate her self-esteem. Read on to find clues that will help you identify your child’s talents:

  • Allow her some respite time in her daily routine, so that she can explore new opportunities and find out where her interests lie.
  • Notice what your child enjoys doing in her free time. This will indicate her natural interests.
  • Be on the lookout for her abilities and talents in unconventional fields as well. She may not have talents in the conventional fields of dancing or drawing, but may have an ability to express her point firmly while debating or discussing a subject.
  • Encourage her to participate in different activities. This will help her recognize where her interests lie and what she enjoys doing the most.
  • Ask for suggestions and opinions of her teachers and coaches. Owing to the fact that they interact with a number of other children, her teachers can also help you spot your child’s hidden or unique talents.




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