War Memorials and Ghats

India Gate
It is essential for children to visit this war memorial dedicated to the Indian soldiers who had lost their lives in the First World War. A visit here, invariably, helps to develop a sense of patriotism among young children. This war memorial commemorates the 90,000 soldiers who had died during the 1st World War. The 42m high gateway was designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens. Since 1971, the Amar Jawan Jyoti or the flame of the immortal warrior has been burning ceaselessly. This flame reminds the nation of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives during the Indian-Pakistan War of December 1971.

The lawns surrounding the enormous structure are a popular recreation area during the evenings where children can play games after visiting the memorial. It also offers boating facilities and there are numerous ice-cream vendors speckled all over the place. To the northwest of India Gate are two ancient buildings, the Baroda House and the Hyderabad House. The Hyderabad House still stands proudly as being the former residence of the Nizam of Hyderabad, who was the richest person in the world during the peak of his kingdom, which was as big as the nation of France.

Raj Ghat
Raj Ghat is the cremation site of the ‘father’ of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi. It is still one of the most visited memorial sites in Delhi. It consists of a simple square black-marble podium which stands on the spot where Mahatma Gandhi was cremated. Nearby, the cremation sites of Jawaharlal Nehru – the first Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri are found. The black marble tomb is inscribed with the words ‘Hey Ram!’ — the last words which were spoken by Mahatma Gandhi, as he fell down after being shot by Nathuram Godse. It is customary to circumambulate the tomb three times. This place has a very powerful spiritual aura. This national shrine has an eternal flame and the sandstone walls enclosing it are inscribed with various passages written by Gandhi. In the proximity of Raj Ghat are Vijay Ghat — the memorial of Prime Minister Lal Bhadur Shastri, Shakti Sthal — cremation site of Indira Gandhi and Veer Bhoomi — Rajeev Gandhi’s site of cremation.

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