How to Make Storytelling Interesting for your Child

Start by picking a story of your child’s interest like: ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ or ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ etc.
Introduce the story steadily and do not jump into the telling. Set the scene by saying something about the story. For example, before beginning the story of “Little Red Riding Hood,” you might ask her if they’ve ever been in the woods.
Think about ways you can use to change the story in the middle to create something new and give it a twist so as to teach a new skill that aids your child’s development.
Opt for flexible and creative ways to make storytelling interesting for your child.
Practice the story by telling it aloud until you are comfortable with it.
Modulate your voice as and when the story demands. Talk in high, low, squeaky, funny and other voices to grab your child’s attention.
Use actions while narrating the story.
Stress on telling and retelling the story.
Add music, humour, magic and puppets to the story.
Prepare props that will enhance the story.
Involve your child in telling the story. Get your children involved in the book by asking questions. Let her help you tell the story. Great questions to ask are, “And then what did he say?” or “What do you think happened next?
Play storytelling games with your child. Take-up a story that she knows well. As you retell the story, think of different ways to get the story across your child.

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